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recommended interview: Meeting House talks to Kelly Link

“I really loved reading books when, at some point, I got the feeling I wasn’t supposed to be reading them.”

My love for Kelly Link just grows and grows. That quote is from a great interview with her from Meeting House, a self-described “weekly journal of New England Literature and the Arts” whose site I will definitely be returning to.

Another Link-able quote:

“I don’t trust people who seem trustworthy, at least not in fiction. I’ve read too many mystery novels. In real life I think I’m more often gullible than not, easily disarmed or charmed by people I shouldn’t be charmed by. I’m not great at reading people—it’s taken me years to figure out how to know when someone is drunk, for example. But in a book I do love an unreliable narrator, or someone who is inconsistent in ways that are consistent with my experience of human beings.”

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