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Book of the Week Giveaway: Rich Boy, by Sharon Pomerantz

rich_boyLast week, Fiction Writers Review launched a Fan Page on Facebook. The goal is threefold: to introduce new readers to FWR, to create an informal place for conversation about books and writing, and also to give away lots of free books.

Each week we’ll give away several free copies of a featured novel or story collection as part of our Book-of-the-Week program. All you have to do to be eligible for our weekly drawing is to be a fan of our Facebook page. No catch, no gimmicks. And once you’re a fan, you’ll be automatically entered in each subsequent drawing.

We’re starting this promotion today with three signed, first-edition copies of Sharon Pomerantz’s new novel, Rich Boy. What we want to do is not only find ways to expand our readership, but also to put books we love in the hands of readers.

So please help us spread the word!

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