“Grub” and “candy” probably don’t go together in your mind, but trust me, this week’s Thursday Morning Candy is delicious. The Grub Street Daily is the new daily blog from Grub Street, an independent, nonprofit writing center in Boston. (Disclaimer: I teach there!)
The newly launched site offers quotes, prompts, and exercises; publishing success stories; and quirky blog posts like Tara Masih’s thoughts on a writer’s Oscar acceptance speech. There’s even a weekly advice column, “Friday Five-O,” which answers reader queries such as:
Dear Friday Five-O:
I have a timeless writing question: how do I make a writing schedule and stick to it? I work 9-5 and take a class two nights a week.
–Billie McCorkle
There’s also a photostream and a Twitterfeed for of-the-moment inspiration. (And Boston writers, a personal plug for Grub Street: it’s one of the top independent writing centers in the country, run by dedicated, passionate people—and run by one of Boston’s 50 most powerful women. In addition to workshops, they run a teen writing program, a memoir project for senior citizens, a national book prize, and an annual conference. Stop by and get to know them, if you don’t know them already!)