Hi there; we are Fiction Writers Review
We’ve been fueled entirely by donated time, work and funds since FWR was founded in 2008, and in that time we’ve created thousands of articles, reviews, interviews, and original works — everything in our rich archive, and we’re not stopping here (read more about how we’re getting writers and readers talking…).
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While we’re still waiting for the big money, though, we do welcome whatever support you’ve got on offer. A few bucks in the tip jar are very welcome, or you could throw a few months of web hosting our way. We greatly appreciate whatever you’re comfortable giving.
I couldn’t help but notice the logo on your hoodie
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Your name rings a bell, actually
Get your photo and bio on our illustrious contributors page, and your byline onto the screens of thousands of eager readers.
There’s only one way to get there: write for us!