Suspend Your Disbelief

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In a world where fifteen minutes is a "commitment"…

Please read that subject line in Dramatic Male Movie Preview Voice.

Today, Bookfox synthesizes some insightful comments on Seth Fisher’s piece “More Crappy News for Short Story Writers” (on The Rumpus), addressing the whole “why don’t people read more short stories if they have less time?” question.

Thoughts? Comments? Revolutionary notions?

I plan to discuss this question in depth when I (finally) review Lauren Groff’s wonderful collection, Delicate Edible Birds, this fall, and I’d love to hear what others think about it. Does a short story require a more focused kind of attention than most readers are able to muster? Is it harder to “jump in and out” (in one commenter’s words) of a story than, say, a novel or television series?

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