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Book of the Week Giveaway: How They Were Found, by Matt Bell (Redux)

How They Were FoundEach week we give away several free copies of a featured novel or story collection as part of our Book-of-the-Week program. Last week we featured Matt Bell’s How They Were Found, and we’re pleased to announce the winners: Suzanne Buckman-Beach, Melissa Scholes Young, and Thomas Gagnon. Congratulations! Each will receive a copy of the book, signed by the author.

This week we’re also featuring Matt Bell’s How They Were Found. No, it’s not Groundhog Day. As you may have noticed, FWR is getting a bit of a face-lift. Or, rather, we’re in the process of completing a range of digital renovations. In particular, we’re offering some free partnership advertising to a few of our favorite places, like Glimmer Train. It’s the holiday season, after all! And because of this maintenance, we weren’t able to feature Bell’s book on the homepage last week. So we look forward to being able to do that later this week once our updates are complete.

Speaking of the future, we hope you’ll continue to come back to the site these next few weeks as we add more features, including an Emerging Writers Calendar of contests deadlines and submission dates for fellowships, conferences, and such. We’re very excited about some of the new tools and resources that we’re implementing for our readers. And how fitting that we’re in the midst of this upgrade since it’s almost the New Year!

But back to our Book of the Week feature…In last week’s post we focused on Bell’s own writing, mentioning his numerous publishing accolades and awards, as well as his three previous chapbooks–Wolf Parts (Keyhole Press), The Collectors (Caketrain Press), and How the Broken Lead the Blind (Willows Wept Press). This week we’d like to spotlight the other half of this author’s writing career: his role as an Editor. Bell is the founding Editor of The Collagist, a monthly literary journal that publishes on the 15th of each month. Each issue of The Collagist contains short fiction, poetry, essays, book reviews, and excerpts from forthcoming novels.


This journal is affiliated with Dzanc Books, which also publishes the annual Best of the Web collection, for which Bell serves as the Series Editor. In his October review of the 2010 anthology, Michael Rudin writes, “The stories are smart, but they’re also just so damn cool—collected works less concerned about molds and reputations than expanding our understanding of what literature—online or otherwise—can achieve.” Read the full review, with infographics, here.

Thanks for your continued support of all we do at FWR. If you’d like to be eligible for this week’s drawing (and all future ones), please visit our Facebook Page and “like” us. As we did last week, we’ll be giving away three, signed copies of this title. To everyone who’s already a fan, thanks again! What we want to do is not only find ways to expand our readership, but also to put books we love in the hands of readers.

So please help us spread the word!

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