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conversational reviews

At FWR, we plan to experiment with different ways to conduct discussion, or conversational, reviews about books. For Lush Life, we tried the immediate (and often overlapping) method of a real-time IM conversation; for our December selection, How Fiction Works, we’re going to try a series of posts by various participants over the course of a week or two. Eventually I’d be interested in offering podcast discussions (like Slate‘s) or creating a message board format that treats all of the site’s readers as equal participants (as Book Balloon does).

In the meantime, please enjoy this sampling of ensemble reviews from other booksites:

  • On Bookninja, three writer-critics discuss Roberto Bolano’s The Savage Detectives. (NOTE: check out Bookfox’s fantastic series of posts on Bolano and 2666 this week.)
  • Slate’s Audio Book Club talks about Curtis Sittenfeld’s American Wife.
  • The men of Three Guys, One Book blog about The Great Man by Kate Christensen.
  • Many readers share their thoughts on Book Balloon’s forum for Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina.

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