Ever wonder how to read a contract? What an agent can do for your manuscript? How to protect the copyright or trademark of your work? These aren’t necessarily things you learn in a fiction workshop. If you live in the Boston area, Grub Street has an evening seminar designed to answer just these sorts of questions. Here’s the skinny:
SEMINAR: Monday, January 10th, 6:30-9:30pm,
Everything a Writer Needs to Know about the LawThis course will provide writers at all stages in their career with a basic understanding of what they need to know about the law. Attorneys Jenny Milana and Mitchell Bragg will share their inside scoop and offer a fun and exciting look at the law as it applies to aspiring, emerging and established writers. Through an interactive activity and Q&A, attendees can expect to learn: the importance of registering the copyright in your work; what it means to be a “work for hire;” why a trademark for your business is a good idea; what tricks attorneys use in contracts that cause confusion; how to negotiate your own contract even if you have an agent or publisher; why it is important to plan for the future; how to create a business plan to house your projects; and so much more! This is an open forum workshop, so bring your notebook, a pen, and plenty of questions.
As of this writing, there were still some spots left in the class, but perhaps if demand is high enough, they’ll offer it again? You can find full details about the seminar, including details of cost and location at the Grub Street website: grubstreet.org, under their seminars section. Perhaps a New Year’s gift to yourself?