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tattooed with lit

iamnobodyIf you have a literary tattoo, consider submitting it for this anthology by independent editors Justin Taylor and Eva Talmadge:

All images must include the name (or pseudonym) of the tattoo bearer, city and state or country, and a transcription of the text itself, along with its source. For portraits or illustrations, please include the name of the author or book on which it’s based. We’d also like to read a few words about the tattoo’s meaning to you — why you chose it, when you first read that poem or book, or how its meaning has evolved over time.

For inspiration, check out the wide variety of reader-submitted designs at Contrariwise, a few samples of which are included in this entry. (Via.)
poetryhistory do not go gentle semicolon tree_happy
What literary quote, favorite line, or excerpt would you want to ink on your skin and keep with you always–and why?

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