At last, a middle ground between those who love their computers and those who prefer typewriters. Sort of. Artist Jack Zyklin has found a way to connect a typewriter to a computer:
The USBTypewriter is a new and groundbreaking innovation in the field of obsolescence. Lovers of the look, feel, and quality of old fashioned manual typewriters can now use them as keyboards for any USB-capable computer, such as a PC, Mac, or even iPad!
For the curious, Zyklin’s website offers a demo video and a schematic of how it works. And for those wanting to take the plunge, you can buy a USB typewriter or a kit to convert your own typewriter, or you can send your own typewriter in for conversion. (Via.)
If you don’t have $200-500 to spend on a USB typewriter, but long to work some of that vintage feel into your PC, here’s the next best thing: a free program to make your computer sound like a typewriter with every click.