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This Week In Shorts

short shorts

Want more Short Story Month celebration? Here’s a roundup of short (story) related news from around the interwebs:



  • All across the interwebs, writers are joining the Story-a-Day call to write one short story every day in May! Are you in?
  • If you need inspiration, Story-A-Day is also providing daily prompts all month.


  • Throughout May, Necessary Fiction wants to hear about stories you think are worth sharing. They’re also publishing a story each week.
  • For a few more days, you can submit a piece of flash fiction to artist Kenney Mencher’s Flash Fiction Challenge and win a piece of original art. The current contest closes May 10.


  • BookCourt will host a launch party for new lit mag The Common—which features short fiction, poetry, and nonfiction with a strong sense of place. The party is Tuesday, 5/10 at 7pm, at 163 Court St., Brooklyn, and will include readings by Fiona Maazel and Ted Conover. For more details, visit The Common‘s website.

We’ll be back with another roundup of short-story related news next Friday—in the meantime, check back every day (yes, even weekends!) for more Short Story Month posts here at FWR all through May.

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