Suspend Your Disbelief

Jennifer Metsker


Jennifer Metsker teaches writing at the University of Michigan. She has graduate degrees in both poetry and painting. Her poetry has appeared in the Michigan Quarterly ReviewCincinnati Review, Gulf Coastmagazine, and many others. Her poem “Poltergeist,”published in The Southern Review, was also selected forVerse Daily.


Interviews |

The Shape of Disaster: An Interview with Margaret Lazarus Dean

Margaret Lazarus Dean’s The Time It Takes to Fall takes place in the early 80’s in Cape Canaveral, a space town, during a time when NASA and shuttle launches were still a part of the American story of success. Jennifer Metsker talks with the author about how the Challenger disaster affected us, the unique ways fiction captures the felt world, writing from the point of view of a child, and why we should allow our characters to misbehave.