Inspired last year by the Emerging Writers Network—who inaugurated May as Short Story Month in 2007—and the Big Poetry Giveaway for National Poetry Month, Fiction Writers Review is excited to launch our second year of The Collection Giveaway Project: a community effort by lit bloggers to raise attention for short story collections. Warm thanks to FWR Contributing Editor Erika Dreifus, who suggested FWR as a home for this project last year and will not only be participating on her own blog, but will also be helping FWR run the project right here.

To participate in Short Story Month 2011: The Collection Giveaway Project , here’s what to do:
(1) Post an entry on your blog recommending a recently published short story collection (or two, or three).
The post can be long or short, a review or merely a rave. The one requirement is that you, the blogger, have read and loved the book(s) in question.
(2) Offer a copy of the book (or each book) as a giveaway to one lucky person who comments on your blog.
You can choose the winner through a drawing, or by the wittiness of his/her remarks, or by whatever criteria you choose.
NOTE for blogger-authors: You can absolutely give away a copy of your own collection—but in an effort to keep this as much about community as publicity, please also offer to give away a second book that isn’t one of yours.
(3) Announce the winner(s) on May 31, 2011, and arrange to send out copies of any books you are giving away.
If you’re participating, drop Erika an email at erika [at] **with the link to your giveaway post!** to let us know. We’ll add you to the list of participating blogs/sites and link to you from this page on our site.
We’ll update the list throughout May!
Note: Bloggers, please feel free to copy and borrow the CGP banner from this post for use on your own site.
So far, participating bloggers include:
David Abrams / The Quivering Pen: Giving away a collection-a-day the week of May 16 – 22:
Monday: Siobhan Fallon, You Know When the Men Are Gone
Tuesday: Jeff Kass, Knuckleheads
Wednesday: Seth Fried, The Great Frustration
Thursday: Henning Koch, Love Doesn’t Work
Friday: Melanie Rae Thon, In This Light
Saturday: Edith Pearlman, Binocular Vision
Sunday: Shann Ray, American Masculine
Lane Ashfeldt / Lane7: with a copy of Best European Fiction 2011, edited by Aleksandar Hemon
Ellen Wade Beals / Solace in a Book: with Bluebirds Used to Croon in the Choir by Joe Meno, as well as a copy of Solace in So Many Words – an anthology of more than 50 writers with stories that set the mind at ease.
Erika Dreifus / Practicing Writing: with copies of Forgetting English by Midge Raymond and her own new collection, Quiet Americans
Emerging Writers Network: With FOUR fine collections – Visiting Hours edited by Daniel E Wickett; Love Doesn’t Work by Henning Koch; Knuckleheads by Jeff Kass; Misfits and Other Heroes by Suzanne Burns
Jeanie Fritzsche / Too Many Books, Too Little Time: with the winning commenter able to select from four wonderful collections: Full Dark, No Stars by Stephen King; In Other Rooms, Other Wonders by Daniyal Mueenudin; Wild Child by T.C Boyle; Too Much Happiness by Alice Munro; or a subscription to One Story!
Michael Hartford: with Too Much Happiness by Alice Munro, along with a daily post about a short story!
Tania Hershman / TaniaWrites: with All Over by Ron Kesey
Suzanne Kamata / Gaijin Mama: with Where the Dog Star Never Glows by Tara Masih, as well as her own forthcoming collection, The Beautiful One Has Come
Ashley Knight / Short Story Slore: with Vida by Patricia Engel
Charles May / Reading the Short Story: with Nothing Right by Antonya Nelson, along with his own book of criticism The Short Story: The Reality of Artifice
Downith M. / writeitdown-ith: with Not So Perfect by Nik Perring
Leslie Pietrzyk / Work-in-Progress: with If I Loved You, I Would Tell You This by Robin Black
Dan Powell / Dan Powell – fiction: with Dark Places by E. J. Newman and Not So Perfect by Nik Perring
Midge Raymond / Remembering English: with copies of three great collections: Strange Weather by Becky Hagenston, Quiet Americans by Erika Dreifus, and The Bigness of the World by Lori Ostlund (read the FWR review here!)
Andrew Scott / Andrew’s Book Club: with In This Light: New and Selected Stories by Melanie Rae Thon, with more giveaways during the month.
Mark Staniforth / Eleutherophobia: with a copy of Palo Alto by James Franco, and also a link to a temporarily free download of his story collection, Fryupdale
Becky Wolsk / Text Isle Patchwork: with Other People We Married by Emma Straub
Susan Woodring / The Habitual Writer: with three great collections – The Girl in the Flammable Skirt by Aimee Bender, The Girl with Brown Fur by Stacey Levine, and How to Get Home by Bret Lott