With just a few days left before Halloween, have you figured out your costume yet? The internets have some suggestions.
On Flickr, the “Literary Halloween Costumes” group provides inspiration, from a classic Alice in Wonderland getup to Friar Tuck and Edgar Allen Poe to the obligatory Harry Potter.
Need step-by-step instructions? Check out these tutorials to dress up as Heathcliff, Elizabeth Bennett, John Galt, or Jean Valjean and Cosette.
For the kids, Apparently Not Deranged has suggestions, including Little Women, Peter Rabbit, and Waldo. (Via.)
And for the do-it-yourselfer, there’s this colossally awesome Max costume, from Beau Baby:

image credit: Beau Baby
What’s your literary costume? I’ve always wanted to wear Scout’s ham costume from To Kill a Mockingbird, myself. When you’ve got it ready, you might enter it in Omnilit’s Halloween Costume Contest on Facebook.