To thousands of young students, those three little digits mean one thing: writing. Yesterday, we put the spotlight on the Ministry of Stories in London, so for this week’s Thursday Morning Candy, it seemed only appropriate to showcase a fun way to support the organization that started it all: 826.

For sale in the 826 store. Doesn't every writer need one?
The Pirate Store (826 Valencia) sells peg-leg sizing charts, designer glass eyes, eyepatches, and bottles of “Scurvy Begone.” The Greenwood Space Travel Supply Co. (826 Seattle) offers “Certainty” and “Uncertainty” in convenient bottle form, as well as a canned black hole starter kit, panic buttons, soft fiber garments, and cherry-scented smoke-ring guns. The Boring Store (826 Chicago), which is NOT a secret agent supply store, can hook you up with a banana cell phone, a Barbasol can safe, pencil drumsticks, rear-view sunglasses, and much more.

Motivational postcards from 826