Suspend Your Disbelief

Michael Reid Busk


Michael Reid Busk received his PhD in Literature and Creative Writing from the University of Southern California, where he was a Feuchtwanger Fellow and Town & Gown Scholar.  His work appears or is forthcoming in Southern Review, Gettysburg Review, Conjunctions, Iowa Review, Prairie Schooner, Fiction International, Florida Review, Denver Quarterly, and elsewhere. He teaches for Creative Nonfiction Magazine and lives in South Bend with his wife and children.


Interviews |

Soldiering On: An Interview with J. A. Bernstein

“I know the point of fiction is supposed to be to differentiate characters, but one thing you notice about the army is that the experiences one person has are often very similar to the experiences other people have, and I tried to write the novel in a way that speaks to that”: J.A. Bernstein talks with Michael Reid Busk about his debut novel, Rachel’s Tomb.