Suspend Your Disbelief

Posts Tagged ‘A Song of Ilan’

Interviews |

Accepting Indeterminacy: Part II of an Interview with Jacob Paul

“I think of all the recent research that shows us that our notion of conscious decision-making is a post hoc rationalization of something that’s happening in the non-verbal portion of our brain, which is way more powerful than our conscious portion, or how limited our ability to be congnitive is.”

Interviews |

Accepting Indeterminacy: Part I of an Interview with Jacob Paul

“What’s beautiful about translation is that it forces us to contend with that truth: that we are selecting one of many options. Or, that we can potentially see many options at once. Because, as you say, we’re moving to the side, we’re looking at it through an imperfect lens, or a lens that makes visible the imperfection of looking.”