Suspend Your Disbelief

Author Archive

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You Write Toward the Joy: An Interview with J.T. Bushnell

“I started this novel because I wanted to write about pick-up basketball, because I loved it, and I didn’t understand why it felt almost holy in my memories…I just wrote about the love and the fulfillment of that experience, and it exposed other things—darker things, more painful things.” Walter Moore talks with J.T. Bushnell about his debut novel, The Step Back.

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Our Full Humanity: A Conversation with Deesha Philyaw

“Like my predecessors, I want to show us grappling, resisting, and (hopefully) healing, to show our full humanity in a country that was not designed with our freedom in mind, and in which those freedoms are still threatened, daily.” Deesha Philyaw talks with Melissa Scholes Young about her award-winning collection, The Secret Lives of Church Ladies.

Interviews |

The Creative World of the Project: An Interview with Maria Adelmann

“Writers often get obsessed with a story or character. I can just as easily get obsessed with making pom-poms. I love the feeling of being in the creative world of the project versus the actual world.” Colleen Hubbard talks with Maria Adelmann about her debut collection, Girls of a Certain Age.