No Shortage of Creepy: An Interview with Jennifer Pashley
by Barrett Bowlin
“I don’t feel compromised by the genre.” Jennifer Pashley talks with Barrett Bowlin about her first thriller, The Watcher, out now from Crooked Lane Books.
“I don’t feel compromised by the genre.” Jennifer Pashley talks with Barrett Bowlin about her first thriller, The Watcher, out now from Crooked Lane Books.
“And then it came to me that instead of writing a literary book about motherhood, I’d write a suspenseful book about motherhood”: Aimee Molloy talks about motherhood, the difference between writing fiction and nonfiction, and her debut novel, The Perfect Mother, out next week from HarperCollins.
“Both in life and literature, secrets often are viewed as socially inappropriate, whereas espionage is a line of work that sanctions lying, deceit, and secrets. Masters of the spy genre play with these layers of secrecy.”
In his 2011 FWR interview, Urban Waite told Cam Terwilliger he was “obsessed with the idea of the past dictating the present.” Terwilliger sits down again with Waite to discuss his new book, The Carrion Birds, just out from William Morrow, and is pleased to see those same obsessions at work in the new novel.