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Posts Tagged ‘University of Massachusetts Press’

Interviews |

Showing the Human Face: An Interview with Yang Huang

“A writer can create a more just world in books by shining a light on that injustice”: Yang Huang chats with Kaitlin Solimine about family, Chinese history, and her new collection, My Old Faithful, winner of the University of Massachusetts Press Juniper Prize for Fiction.

Interviews |

A Great and Heartbroken Love for the World: A Conversation Between N. West Moss and David Ebenbach

“I am much more interested in the people who are not forever trying to be known”: N. West Moss with David Ebenbach, discussing their new books The Subway Stops at Bryant Park and The Guy We Didn’t Invite to the Orgy and other stories.

Interviews |

Smudging the Boundaries of Otherness: An Interview with Hasanthika Sirisena

“I definitely find myself drawn to stories. Short stories have such an impact and I love that this can result from one deftly delivered blow or from creating a cacophony”: Celeste Ng chats with Hasanthika Sirisena about her debut collection, The Other One.

Reviews |

Legend of a Suicide, by David Vann

The stories in David Vann’s second book, Legend of a Suicide, circle compulsively around a central fascination—a father’s suicide. Partway through “Sukkwan Island,” the central novella in the collection, I decided I had to put the book down—just for a day, until I felt ready to read on. I mean this as praise. Legend of a Suicide is a very difficult book for the very best reasons: it is written with great honesty and journeys unflinchingly into darkness. It is a reckoning.