The Flyleaf
Sometimes it pays to embrace mediocrity.
Sometimes it pays to embrace mediocrity.
Okay, I admit it—I didn’t think this was going to funny, but it was. Funny… because it’s true. (Via GalleyCat.) Further reading: Look at things from the other way around: I’m waiting for agents and editors to make a “Shit authors say” video.
Want to learn what not to put in your query letter? Or maybe you just can’t get enough #queryfail? A self-proclaimed “grumpy literary agent” has started SlushPile Hell, a Tumblr blog dedicated to terrible author queries he (or she) has receivedplus snarky commentary. Here’s a quick sampling: Greetings agent. I have written the most important book on earth. Will someone, for the love of God, please kill me. Hello. I’ve queried more than 50 other agents with this and have gotten nowhere. Now I’m querying you. You had me at hello. I’M TYPING MY QUERY IN ALL CAPS SO YOU […]
Over at his eponymous blog, literary agent Nathan Bransford (of Curtis Brown Ltd. in San Francisco) is running his “3rd Sort-of-Annual Stupendously Ultimate First Paragraph Challenge.” Post the first paragraph of your work-in-progress on the contest page, and Bransford will select those he deems strongest as finalists. Readers of his blog will then vote to determine the contest winner. Finalists get query critiques, and the winner will receive: “(1) Their choice of a partial critique, query critique, or phone consultation; (2) A very-sought-after galley of THE SECRET YEAR by Jennifer Hubbard, which will be published by Viking in January; (3) […]