Suspend Your Disbelief

Author Archive

Interviews |

Big and Small: An Interview with Anne Valente

Diane Cook talks with Anne Valente about her short story collection By Light We Know Our Names: “In fiction, I think objects and patterns among those objects serve as something tangible for me and for characters, a way of making meaning out of something concrete in the face of uncertainty, intangibility, and everything we can’t and don’t know.”

Interviews |

Urban Tapestry: An Interview with Bonnie ZoBell

Bonnie ZoBell talks to Jerry Gabriel about her linked short story collection, What Happened Here: “At one point in writing a story, the more words I have is the better. At another point, that switches entirely and I mark my progress by how many words I’ve been able to get rid of.”

Interviews |

The Reason to Persist: An Interview with John Warner, Part I

John Warner talks to Philip Graham about giving his characters an extra graceful breath: “I see mankind basically as a pestilence, bent on destroying each other and the Earth itself. . . And yet, sometimes we can break free of our monstrousness and be genuinely good and kind.”

Essays |

In a Shared Voice: The Wives of Los Alamos and The Buddha in The Attic

“. . .these two groups of women are indeed sisters under the skin, and these authors are sisters as well.” Ellen Prentiss Campbell on connecting Nesbit and Otsuka through their use of first-person plural.