Off for Summer Vacation
by The Editors
We’re off until Labor Day. Have a fiction-filled summer!
Join us for our seventh-annual celebration of the Short Story, as we dedicate the month of May to short fiction.
Fiction Writers Review hosts its annual fundraiser from now until December 21st
Happy Short Story Month 2014! Once again, we’ll be celebrating short stories all month here at Fiction Writers Review. This months we have interviews, reviews, and craft essays, as well as the return of our “Stories We Love” series: writers on the stories that inspire them—and why. So here’s to our sixth great May full of short fiction. We hope you’ll join us regularly throughout the next few weeks, and that you’ll help us spread the word. Thank you!
Today is a very special day indeed: the relaunch of FWR 2.0! We are excited to introduce these new features:
Busch was an incredibly important and influential author and teacher prior to his death in 2006, and a voice of contemporary fiction who we are happy to have the opportunity to honor in a small way.
Last week’s feature was Kelcey Parker’s novellla, Liliane’s Balcony, and we’re pleased to announce the winners: Kim Triedman (@kimtriedman) Jill Hughes (@JillSHughes) Jean-Marie (@JeanMarieMaier) Congrats! To claim your free copy, please email us at the following address: winners [at] If you’d like to be eligible for future giveaways, please visit our Twitter Page and “follow” us! Thanks to all of you who are fans. We appreciate your support. Let us know your favorite new books out there!
This week’s feature is Kelcey Parker’s new book, Liliane’s Balcony, which was published this fall by Rose Metal Press. Parker’s story collection, For Sale by Owner (Kore Press), won the 2011 Next Generation Indie Book Award in Short Fiction and was a finalist for the 2012 Best Books of Indiana in Fiction. She is the recipient of an Individual Artist’s Grant from the Indiana Arts Commission and a Promise Award from the Sustainable Arts Foundation. Her stories have appeared in numerous literary journals including Notre Dame Review, Bellingham Review, Santa Monica Review, Indiana Review, Third Coast, Redivider, Western Humanities Review, […]
This week’s feature is Kelcey Parker’s new book, Liliane’s Balcony, which was published this fall by Rose Metal Press. Parker’s story collection, For Sale by Owner (Kore Press), won the 2011 Next Generation Indie Book Award in Short Fiction and was a finalist for the 2012 Best Books of Indiana in Fiction. She is the recipient of an Individual Artist’s Grant from the Indiana Arts Commission and a Promise Award from the Sustainable Arts Foundation. Her stories have appeared in numerous literary journals including Notre Dame Review, Bellingham Review, Santa Monica Review, Indiana Review, Third Coast, Redivider, Western Humanities Review, […]
This week’s feature is William Boyle‘s debut novel, Gravesend, which will be released next month by Broken River Books. Boyle’s writing has appeared or is forthcoming in Mississippi Noir (Akashic Books), L.A. Review of Books, Salon, Needle: A Magazine of Noir, The Rumpus, Hobart, and other magazines and journals. He holds a B.A. and an M.A. from the State University of New York at New Paltz and an M.F.A. from the University of Mississippi, where he now teaches. In the introduction to his recent interview with William Boyle, Alex Shakespeare describes Gravesend as a novel “firmly in the tradition of […]