Suspend Your Disbelief

Author Archive

Interviews |

Chaos Below the Surface: An Interview with Mary Ann McGuigan

“My characters find ways to go on, even if they wind up in more trouble. They’re like plants that seek the light even if they have to twist themselves out of shape to find it:” Mary Ann McGuigan sits down with Jolene McIlwain to discuss the lines between stories and novels and YA and adult fiction, as well as Pieces, out from Bottom Dog Press.

Interviews |

A Conversation with Michael A. Ferro, R.J. Fox, and Frank Morelli

“Write that thing that is gnawing at your brain, exorcise that demon, and it will glow on the paper”: Michael A. Ferro, Frank Morelli, and R.J. Fox sit down to chat about rejection and success, the writing community, and their new and forthcoming books.

Interviews |

Writing to Please Myself: An Interview with Kim Magowan

“The fun part of writing for me is the inspiration and initial outpouring; the painful part is spending five hours paring away 250 words. It’s like sticking pins in my eyes”: Kim Magowan answers Michelle Ross’s questions about her path to fiction, her writing process, and Undoing, her debut collection, out next week from Moon City Press.

Interviews |

A Recipe for Better Understanding the Human Condition: An Interview with Mandy Mikulencak

“Food is a central character in this book because food fulfills a central role in our lives”: Mandy Mikulencak chats with Kate Lemery about historical fiction, getting published, and The Last Suppers, her new book out now from Kensington’s John Scognamiglio imprint.