Welcome! A Tour of FWR 2.0.
Today is a very special day indeed: the relaunch of FWR 2.0! We are excited to introduce these new features:
Today is a very special day indeed: the relaunch of FWR 2.0! We are excited to introduce these new features:
Some of our editors and contributors at AWP 2012 in Chicago Fiction Writers Review is at AWP again this year, and we’re looking forward to catching up with our friends and contributors. Throughout the conference, you can find us in the Bookfair at Table P9 in Exhibit Hall B on the Plaza Level of the Hynes Convention Center. Come say hello! We’ll also be doing a contributor photo at the table at 4pm on Friday. We hope you’ll join us! And here’s a partial list of FWR-related events: Thursday, March 8th: Noon – “Getting That First University Teaching Job.” Contributor […]
Fiction Writers Review’s first-ever fundraiser, The Great Write Off, is starting TODAY! It’s not too late to help. You can sign up to write on FWR’s team or make a donation yourself (even $5 goes a long way). Proceeds will go to a revamped website and to pay our all-volunteer staff and contributors. Need more incentives? How about PRIZES? Any FWR participant who raises $50 or more will get a Great Write Off T-shirt. Any FWR participant who raises $100 or more will be eligible to win one of twenty copies of Natalie Bakopoulos’s debut novel The Green Shore, generously […]
Here at Fiction Writers Review, we run this website as volunteers, in our spare time and out of our own pockets. We think we’ve got a great site with great content—and since you’re here, reading this blog, we hope you agree! This fall, we’re running our first-ever fundraiser, and it’s your chance to help FWR just by doing what you do normally: writing. On October 3-5, Fiction Writers Review will compete in The Great Write Off, a three-day write-a-thon. (Think walk-a-thon, but with writing.) It’s a friendly fundraising competition involving six Michigan lit organizations—each fielding its own team of writers. […]
We were delighted to learn that FWR contributor Danielle Lazarin was the first-place winner of Glimmer Train‘s April 2012 Family Matters contest! A full list of winners and top-25 finalists is on the Glimmer Train website. Danielle’s winning story, “Spider Legs,” will be published in Glimmer Train in 2013. In the meantime, you can learn more about Danielle and read some of her work on her author website. Congratulations, Danielle! Read Danielle’s interview with Dan Chaon for Fiction Writers Review Read Danielle’s essay “‘The Mommy Problem,’ and the larger notion of life beyond work“
In 2009 I attended the second annual Sozopol Fiction Seminars, sponsored by the Elizabeth Kostova Foundation and held each May on the Black Sea coast of Bulgaria. I lost my sunglasses in the sea, which the Bulgarians told me meant I had to return. This year I did go back, and most things have remained the same. There are still five English-speaking fellows and five Bulgarians, and the bus ride from the capital city of Sofia cross-country to Sozopol is both long and beautiful. Elizabeth Kostova, whom one might assume has too big of a name to share her work […]
Happy Short Story Month 2012! Once again, we’ll be celebrating short stories all month here at Fiction Writers Review: Reviews of fantastic story collections Interviews with short story writers like Lysley Tenorio, Ben Fountain, and Laura Maylene Walter The return of our popular “Stories We Love” blog posts: writers on the stories that inspire them—and why Book of the Week giveaways highlighting short story collections Writing prompts to get you started on pieces of your own The 2012 Collection Giveaway Project—chances to win FREE short story collections from writing blogs all over the internet And more! We think short stories […]
We here at Fiction Writers Review are excited to hit AWP and catch up with our friends and contributors. All throughout the conference, you can find us at our Bookfair table (N16)—come by and say hi! And here’s a partial list of FWR-related events: Thursday, March 1st: 12 pm – “Beyond the Workshop”: Contributor Margaret Lazarus Dean and other panelists explore new ways of teaching creative writing. (Private Dining Room 2, Hilton Chicago, 3rd Floor) 7 pm – University of Michigan Reception: Contributor Valerie Laken reads along with Darcie Dennigan. (Marquette, Hilton Chicago Hotel 3rd Floor<) Friday, March 2nd: 9 […]
We know our contributors are amazing, and we’re always thrilled when the rest of the world notices, too. So we’re delighted to tell you what some of our talented contributors have been up to beyond FWR’s pages. The latest news, in no particular order: Anne Barnhill‘s debut novel, At the Mercy of the Queen, released Jan 3 and has been receiving good reviews from Publishers Weekly, Amazon, and Goodreads. Her poetry chapbook, Coal, Baby, will be released from Finishing Line Press in late February. Valerie Nieman recently completed a residency at the Weymouth Center for the Arts and Humanities. Daniel […]
HUGE congratulations to friend of FWR Jesmyn Ward, who just won the 2011 National Book Award for fiction for her novel Salvage the Bones! In reviewing Ward’s novel, Ron Charles wrote in the Washington Post, When the finalists for the National Book Award in Fiction were announced last month, I’m embarrassed to admit that I was among those critics grumbling about the obscurity of some of the authors (Andrew Krivak?), even some of the publishers (Lookout Books?). […] I’m happy to eat my words. And my spinach. I’ve just read another one of the so-called obscure finalists, “Salvage the Bones […]