Suspend Your Disbelief

Author Archive

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Stories We Love: “On This Day You Are All Your Ages,” by Jack Driscoll

“Driscoll was a poet before turning to fiction. Poetic language is dreamlike, and therefore suited to close narration. And Driscoll’s elegant language anchors the reader in the haunting dream.”

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The American Dilemma: An Interview with Tyler McMahon

“As a novelist, my favorite fictional conceit is simply to shove a lot of things into one character’s life. In the case of Jacinto, I made him experience virtually all of the anecdotes I’d read about or heard of—from all over Mexico and the American West.”

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It’s All Story: An Interview with Danielle Lazarin

“It took me writing these stories to understand that I’d been carrying rage with me, and what I’d done to suppress it even as I didn’t believe in suppressing it”: Danielle Lazarin talks with Lee Thomas about her debut collection, Back Talk.

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Impossible Beliefs: A Conversation with Steve Yates and Steve Wiegenstein

“There is so much published that is all the same. Yet there burns that desire to create something that does not exist. Especially for the Ozarks. Something that is not exactly like anything else under the sun.”