Suspend Your Disbelief

Author Archive

Essays |

In Praise of Kid-Speak

“Perhaps the greatest benefit of writing about kidhood from a kid’s point of view is the dramatic possibilities of trapping a protagonist or narrator in his/her present, in his/her right now, without reference to the broader, more reflective environs of adulthood.”

Interviews |

Smudging the Boundaries of Otherness: An Interview with Hasanthika Sirisena

“I definitely find myself drawn to stories. Short stories have such an impact and I love that this can result from one deftly delivered blow or from creating a cacophony”: Celeste Ng chats with Hasanthika Sirisena about her debut collection, The Other One.

Interviews |

Writing Toward a Less-Mythic Southern California: An Interview with Chris McCormick

“You know how questions can be hydras—you think you’ve solved one, and then two more sprout. I’m sure the desert will continue to baffle me in the future, but I’m excited to say my next book has more stamps in its passport.”

Interviews |

Accepting Indeterminacy: Part II of an Interview with Jacob Paul

“I think of all the recent research that shows us that our notion of conscious decision-making is a post hoc rationalization of something that’s happening in the non-verbal portion of our brain, which is way more powerful than our conscious portion, or how limited our ability to be congnitive is.”