Suspend Your Disbelief


Interviews |

One for the Storyteller, One for the Listener, One for Some Odd Third: An Interview with Ayşe Papatya Bucak

“I try to read every relevant thing I can get my hands on.” Ayşe Papatya Bucak talks with Natalie Rowland about research, setting, and writing the dark side of history for her debut collection, The Trojan War Museum: and Other Stories, out now from W.W. Norton.

Interviews |

Soldiering On: An Interview with J. A. Bernstein

“I know the point of fiction is supposed to be to differentiate characters, but one thing you notice about the army is that the experiences one person has are often very similar to the experiences other people have, and I tried to write the novel in a way that speaks to that”: J.A. Bernstein talks with Michael Reid Busk about his debut novel, Rachel’s Tomb.

Interviews |

The Subtraction of Weight: An Interview with Seth Fried

The Municipalists was a way for me to dig deeper into the idea of cities in general, both to explore the ways in which they can be great and to come to a better understanding of how they need to change:” Seth Fried talks with Shawn Andrew Mitchell about his debut novel, ‘lightness’ as a revision strategy, idea generation tips, and more.