Suspend Your Disbelief


Interviews |

Wide-Open Country and Romantic Dreams: An Interview with Sophfronia Scott

“We tend to think of being an artist in terms of inspiration, but we also need to know how to work”: Kali VanBaale chats with Sophfronia Scott about misbehaving characters, what writers can learn from Bruce Springsteen, writing across genres, and Sophfronia’s new novel, Unforgivable Love, published this fall from William Morrow.

Interviews |

Commonly Held Territory: An Interview with Doug Trevor

“When the idea, as originally conceived, drops out of the story in question, that piece becomes almost like a donut—with a missing center. I feel like that’s what fiction is supposed to do, in a way”: Doug Trevor chats with Jeff Henebury about writing long short stories, the many powers of books, the MFA community, and his new collection, The Book of Wonder, out today from SixOneSeven Books.

Interviews |

Impossible Beliefs: A Conversation with Steve Yates and Steve Wiegenstein

“There is so much published that is all the same. Yet there burns that desire to create something that does not exist. Especially for the Ozarks. Something that is not exactly like anything else under the sun.”